Civis Mundi Digitaal #54
Fieldwork October 2017, Publication December 2017
Report (pages 1-109), Conclusion (110-11), Technical Specifications, Questionnaire, Tables 1-55.
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[De Speciale Eurobarometer wordt hierna direct gevolgd door het commentaar afkomstig van TI-Nederland = The text borrowed from the Eurobarometer Report is immediately followed by a commentary in Dutch from Transparency International chapter the Netherlands].
Survey requested by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs and co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication.
This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission.
The interpretations and opinions contained in it are solely those of the authors.
Special Eurobarometer 470 – Wave EB88.2 – TNS opinion & social
Project number 2017.7309
Project title Special Eurobarometer 470 - October 2017, “Corruption”, Report
Linguistic version EN
Catalogue number DR-05-17-213-EN-N, ISBN 978-92-79-76480-6
© European Union, 2017
From the MAIN FINDINGS, I quote:
- Corruption is considered unacceptable in most EU Member States, …
- However, over two thirds of Europeans think that corruption is widespread in their country, though there is much variation between countries. …
- A quarter of Europeans say they are personally affected by corruption in their daily lives, but this varies significantly by country. …
CONCLUSION (quoted from pages 109-110)
The results of this survey indicate that perceptions of and attitudes towards corruption may vary significantly between countries, but at the overall level remain rather stable compared to 2013. The report has reviewed both EU-level and country-level tendencies with respect to attitudes towards corruption, personal exposure to corruption, perception of the extent of corruption, perception of the nature of corruption, and views on dealing with corruption. A majority of Europeans regard corruption as unacceptable, with less than a quarter thinking that doing a favour, offering a gift or making a payment to obtain something from the public administration or a public service is an acceptable form of behaviour. Nevertheless, there are significant and persistent differences between countries. Generally, respondents in newer EU Member States are less likely to think that corruption is unacceptable, with only around a third of respondents in Hungary and Latvia holding this view. Notably, it seems that exposure to corruption tends to foster acceptance of it, rather than prompt its rejection: those who have experienced or witnessed corruption, who are personally acquainted with bribe-takers, or who see corruption as a widespread phenomenon in their country, are more likely to consider corruption to be something acceptable. This becomes clear when we look at the extent to which Europeans are personally affected by corruption. Overall, only a quarter of Europeans think they are affected by corruption in their daily lives in one way or another, and most say that they do not have direct experience of it, in the sense of having recently been a victim or knowing someone who has taken or takes bribes. Furthermore, fewer people than in 2013 perceive corruption to be on the increase. However, there are significant differences at the country level. In several countries such as Romania, Croatia, Spain, Cyprus or Greece, around half or more of respondents feel that corruption is having a direct impact on their lives. While Greece has seen a decrease in this figure since 2013, the proportion of respondents in Romania who say they are personally affected by corruption has clearly increased since the last survey. On the other hand, countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Finland have significantly lower than average levels of respondents who see corruption as something which directly affects their lives. Despite low levels of personal exposure to corruption, the majority of Europeans consider it as something which is widespread in their country. This is a perception which is particularly common in those countries which have higher than average proportions of respondents who see corruption as something that affects their daily lives. Generally, this means that respondents in NMS13 countries are more likely than those in EU15 countries to see corruption as widespread, and as something which constitutes part of the business culture of their country. However, there are several cases in both of these two blocs where perceptions of the spread of corruption are particularly high, such as Greece and Spain from the EU15 countries, and Cyprus and Croatia from the NMS13 countries. In those countries with lower than average levels of perceived personal exposure to corruption, the perception of corruption is generally lower than average, with Denmark and Finland exemplifying this tendency. It is also clear that certain socio-demographic groups tend to see corruption as something which is more widespread. Those with lower levels of education, the unemployed and the self-perceived working class are both more likely to see themselves as having recently been victims of corruption and also to see it as a more widespread phenomenon in general.
While people generally see corruption as widespread, they hold clear views on which particular institutions are prone to being affected by it. In particular, they believe that corruption is a political phenomenon which is most widespread among political parties and politicians of all levels. A significant minority see it as a characteristic feature of the business world, both in terms of the actions of businesses themselves, and also with respect to the interaction between the world of private business and the state, such as in the issuing of building permits or the awarding of public contracts after tender. However, there tends to be more confidence in the integrity of other areas of public administration and state institutions, such as the healthcare system, the police, the tax authorities, the courts and, in particular, the education system. Corruption appears to be an issue in healthcare, although only a very small percentage of respondents say that they had to give an extra payment, valuable gift or donation to a hospital. Even in countries with a higher than average level of perceived corruption, such as Romania and Hungary, less than a fifth of respondents say that they have been expected or asked to pay some form of bribe to facilitate treatment. As regards reporting corruption, there appears to be a general lack of faith in the ability of the state to deal with this problem. Most Europeans who are exposed to corruption do not report it, with only around a fifth of this group taking it to the authorities. There are two main reasons for this. First, there is a general lack of knowledge about how to go about reporting corruption, with nearly half saying that they would not know where to report it. This problem is particularly acute in some countries, in particular in Hungary and Bulgaria, where significant majorities are unaware of where to report corruption. Secondly, significant proportions of respondents think that the reporting of corruption is held back by issues such as the difficulty of proving it and thus the likelihood that it will go unpunished, or by the lack of protection for those who report it. While six in ten Europeans have trust in the police to pursue cases of corruption, fewer believe that pursuit of these cases will result in successful convictions. There is also a distinct lack of trust in other institutions which have the task of dealing with corruption, such as the justice system, the ombudsman and anti-corruption organisations. Yet, while the police is the institution most frequently trusted to deal with these problems, there are significant country-level differences in the proportion of respondents who trust it. Overall, this report has illustrated that corruption remains a significant problem in EU Member States, albeit in differing ways. However, in some countries, such as Finland (21 %) and Denmark (22 %), the share of respondents that think corruption is widespread in their country, remains low. In other countries, the number of respondents who think corruption is widespread, decreased considerably. This is especially the case in Poland (-24 pp), the Netherlands (-17 pp) and Austria (-16 pp). In some cases – notably the countries of Southern and South-Eastern Europe –, it is a problem which is directly experienced by a significant minority of those living in these countries, and which often has a direct impact on their lives. As with the less well-educated and the economically more vulnerable, there is a perception in countries like Romania, Hungary and Greece, of being more vulnerable to processes of corruption. In other countries, it is not so much the direct experience of corruption that matters, but the perception that it has a negative effect on the functioning of businesses and the operation of vital public institutions; that even when corruption does not directly affect you, it still has the power to exert some influence on your life. Even in those countries where concern about the impact of corruption is significantly lower than elsewhere, there is still uncertainty about the capacity of institutions set up to tackle corruption to deal with the problem in an effective way.
Hier volgt:
Commentaar op de jongste Eurobarometer afkomstig van TI-Nederland met nadruk op tekort schieten van bescherming van klokkenluiders.
Comments by TI-Nederland, asks special attention for the weak state of protection for whistleblowers in the country.
Lotte Rooijendijk 20 december 2017Algemeen, Corruptie, Europees, Feature, Internationaal, Klokkenluiders, Nationaal, Nieuws, Wetgeving
Amsterdam, 20 december 2017 – De meest recente speciale editie van de Eurobarometer over corruptie, geeft een goed overzicht van de huidige staat van corruptie in Europa, via een reeks enquêtes in de 28 lidstaten van de EU (EU-28). De Eurobarometer bestrijkt een groot aantal publieke en zakelijke activiteiten en ervaringen rond corruptie in de Europese landen. De Eurobarometer 2017 bevat echter niet veel verrassingen voor anti-corruptie-activisten. Corruptie is nog altijd alomtegenwoordig in Europa en mensen voelen zich nog steeds niet veilig om dit te melden.
Een derde (68%) van de Europeanen denkt dat corruptie wijdverspreid is in eigen land en een overgrote meerderheid (79%) stelt dat de banden tussen het bedrijfsleven en de politiek in hun land tot corruptie leiden.
Iets minder dan driekwart (73%) zegt dat er sprake is van corruptie bij de nationale publieke instellingen en dat de maatregelen tegen corruptie ontoereikend zijn. Slechts een minderheid van alle respondenten zegt dat er voldoende transparantie en toezicht is op de financiering van politieke partijen. Een derde (33%) van de respondenten denkt dat er voldoende succesvolle vervolgingen zijn.
Er is echter ook enig positief nieuws. Hoewel de meerderheid van de respondenten gelooft dat corruptie in hun land wijdverbreid is, is het aantal mensen met deze veronderstelling 8% minder dan in 2013 (de voorlaatste Eurobarometer over corruptie). Uit de enquête blijkt ook dat een kleiner aantal Europeanen van mening is dat corruptie de afgelopen drie jaar is toegenomen. Een totaal van 43% van de respondenten denkt dat de corruptie wijdverbreider is.
[Bron Special Eurobarometer 2013, no. 374 ]
Klokkenluiders zijn belangrijke spelers in nationale en mondiale inspanningen om corruptie en andere wanpraktijken te detecteren en te voorkomen. Maar rapportage heeft vaak een hoge prijs: mensen die praten, riskeren hun loopbaan en soms hun persoonlijke veiligheid om misstanden aan het licht te brengen die het openbaar belang bedreigen. Ze hebben juridische bescherming nodig tegen vergelding, maar ook een ondersteunende omgeving op de werkplek zelf en in de samenleving als geheel.
De Eurobarometer herinnert aan de beroerde situatie van klokkenluiders. De meerderheid van de Europeanen die corruptie heeft ervaren of er getuige van zijn, rapporteert dit niet. Maar liefst 81% van de respondenten zegt dat ze de corrupte daad die ze ooit hebben meegemaakt of die iemand heeft meegemaakt, niet hebben gemeld.
Er is een duidelijk gebrek aan klokkenluidersbescherming, aangezien bijna een derde van de respondenten van mening is dat er geen bescherming is voor degenen die corruptie melden. Volgens de Eurobarometer vinden met name de respondenten in Cyprus (51%), Nederland (49%) en Malta (41%) de klokkenluidersbescherming zwak. In Cyprus en Malta wordt het gebrek aan bescherming ook het vaakst genoemd als reden om geen gevallen van corruptie te melden. Dat Nederland in dit rijtje staat is opvallend, vooral gezien het feit er halverwege 2016 de Wet Huis voor Klokkenluiders is ingevoerd en een Huis voor Klokkenluiders is gekomen. Dat deze niet goed functioneert heeft Transparency International Nederland al eerder verondersteld. Het Huis lijkt op een scheef fundament te zijn gebouwd door de dubbele prioriteit van de Wet en het Huis: de bescherming van klokkenluiders én het oplossen van misstanden. Gaandeweg is het zwaartepunt verschoven naar het oplossen van misstanden, iets dat geen recht doet aan de realiteit. Júíst een goede bescherming van melders is een absolute voorwaarde om zonder repercussies melding te doen van mogelijke misstanden. Het oplossen van die misstanden is een gunstig neveneffect.
Bijna de helft van de Europeanen weet zelfs niet waar ze corruptie kunnen melden. De resultaten zijn met name slecht in Bulgarije en Hongarije. In deze landen zegt slechts één op de vier respondenten dat ze weten waar ze melding kunnen doen van corruptie: [ja in Bulgarije 28%, Hongarije 24%, Nederland 50%, best Finland 59% - neen in Bulgarije 60%, Hongarije 72%, Nederland 48%, meest onbekend in Hongarije 72%].
De bevindingen van de Eurobarometer komen voort uit de openbare raadpleging van de Commissie inzake klokkenluidersbescherming, die de lastige situatie weergeeft van mensen die corruptie of wangedrag willen melden. Het merendeel van de ondervraagden (85%) was van mening dat werknemers zeer zelden of zelden hun bezorgdheid uiten over bedreiging of aantasting van het openbaar belang, uit vrees voor juridische en financiële consequenties, de belangrijkste redenen om dit niet te doen.
Grote steun voor minimumnormen voor klokkenluidersbescherming
De meeste EU-lidstaten beschikken niet over specifieke wetgeving, en zelfs in de paar landen waar dergelijke wetten wel bestaan, laten ze meestal aanzienlijke achterdeuren open (onder het mom van bedrijfsgeheimen) en schieten ze tekort in best practices. Als gevolg hiervan blijven Europese burgers grotendeels onbeschermd in het geval zij de beslissing nemen om zich uit te spreken, met het risico van vergelding, gerechtelijke procedures en ontslag. De Eurobarometer dient als een sterke herinnering aan de reden waarom deze situatie moet worden aangepakt, zodat klokkenluiders de juiste bescherming krijgen om zich uit te spreken en corruptie te melden.
De Europese Commissie beoordeelt nu de mogelijkheden voor horizontale of verdere sectorale actie op EU-niveau om klokkenluiders te beschermen. De Commissie heeft onlangs een Inception Impact Assessment gepubliceerd en uit de bovengenoemde openbare raadpleging is gebleken dat er zeer grote steun was voor de vaststelling van minimumnormen voor de bescherming van klokkenluiders in de EU-wetgeving (96%).