Civis Mundi Digitaal #141
You can see hope
If you only look at one or the other group under
A microscope, you want to cry –
The brutal massacre of the Jews, the harsh treatment
Of Palestines by Jewish suprematist
Settlers. The list is endless. But if you look at their
Stories through a kaleidoscope,
Observing the complexity of their interactions,
You can see hope. If you want to
Report accurately about Israelis and Palestinians
Always bring a kaleidoscope.
Thomas Friedman The New York Times
Thu November 23, 2023
Unwinnable war
There is always going to be an advantage that
Unconventional force will have,
Particularly if it is as ruthless as Hamas and if
It doesn’t seem to care about
The damage to the local civilians. Israel is going
To be stuck in this unwinnable
War, causing massive death and destruction.
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, Middle East policy analist
The New York Times Mon, Dec 11, 2023
An open question
In Hamas’ cynical calculation the loftiness of Israels
Aims is a plus. While sticking to its
Long-term goal of destroying the Jewish state, Hamas
Can declare victory merely by surviving
To fight another day. What exactly Israel can achieve
Remains an open question. But simply
Prosecuting the war can, over time, damage Israel’s
Economy and international standing,
While encouraging a new generation of Palestinians
To hate Israel – all benefits for Hamas.
Ben Hubbard, Istanbul bureau chief,
The New York Times Mon, Dec. 11, 2023
Giant sucking chest wound
If Israel does not come up with a long-term political
Vision to entice the world to help it
Fund the rebuilding of Gaza, it’s going to be in for a
Lot of diplomatic and economic hurt.
Gaza could end up a giant sucking chest wound that
Overstretches Israel militarily,
Economically and morally – and takes its U.S. super
Power patron along for the ride.
Thomas L. Friedman, Opinion columnist
The New York Times Thursday, Dec 14, 2023
Shrinking remnants
The West Bank had lingered all these years
In my memory as a fundamentally
Palestinian expanse, interrupted and speckled
With settlements. Not anymore.
Visiting in late November I had the feeling of
Entering a vast settlement dotted
With Arab communities and refugee camps,
Shrinking remnants of an earlier place.
Megan K. Stack, Opinion writer NYT
The New York Times Fri Dec 15, 2023
Overwhelming reality
The settlers are winning, and not only because they have
Staunch allies in the government. The slow
Trajectories of movement and control suggest an ethnic
Cleansing in slow motion. Settlers have
Bent the landscape to their will and created an overwhelming
Reality that would be very difficult to erase.
Megan L/Stack, Opinion writer NYT
The New York Times Fri 15, Dec 2023
Let us be clear
The US should recognize the state of Palestine
And join the 139 other countries
That have done so. President Biden who has
The power to grant recognition
Should make history. Let us be clear. It would
Not create peace in the Middle
East, but it would enhance prospects for a two-
State solution. Both parties still
Need to negotiate just and equitable solutions
For borders, security, refugees,
The status of Jerusalem and economic relations.
R. David Hayden and Larry Garber, former USAID
directors for the West Bank and Gaza
The New York Times Mon, Dec 18, 2023
By-pass roads
Once you would drive down main roads in
The West Bank, straight into
Palestinian cities. Settler by-pass roads built
Since the 1990s – a period of
Nominal peace that nonetheless saw settlements
Expand at an unprecedented clip –
Routed traffic away from the places where
Palestinians lived, restricted or
Even banned Palestinian cars and helped to
Choke off Palestinian movement.
Diane Butter, former advisor to PLO negotiations
The New York Times Sat Dec 19, 2023
Everybody understands
I’m proud that I prevented the establishment of a
Palestinian state because today
Everybody understands what that Palestinian state
Could have been. Now that
We have seen the little Palestinian state in Gaza,
Everybody understands what
Would have happened if we had capitulated to
International pressures and
Would have agreed to establish a state like that.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Press confer. Sat, Dec 16, 2023
The New York Times Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023